Probiotics are one of the most important parts of a Candida albicans cure. They are the good bacteria that live in your intestines and digest your food for you.
They produce many beneficial chemicals and help process the waste for elimination. With them you are strong and healthy and full of energy - without them you would die!
The intestines have been called the second brain. They determine how
you feel. If they intestines are unhappy, you are unhappy. Just try to
smile and enjoy yourself when you have heartburn, gas, diarrhea or
When the intestines are unhappy, they are not functioning up to their
full capacity. That means that a lot of the nutrients are not being
digested and not all of the toxins are being cleared from the body.
An estimated 400 types of bacteria live in your gut. There are three
pounds (nearly 100 trillion) of bacteria in your gut. That's trillion with a T! There are ten times more bacteria in your gut than there are cells in your body.
There are many things that kill off the beneficial bacteria. Poor food choices feed the bad guys and harm the good. Chemicals in our food, air, water and cosmetics kill off the good.
Antibiotics and other medicines kill or limit the growth of the good guys. All of these things adding together can lead to a Candida overgrowth.
Probiotics work to restore the normal flora in the gut. They do this first by competing with other organisms for nutrients.
They also produce beneficial chemicals. These chemicals either increase your bodies immunity or make the environment less favorable for the bad guys to live.
In addition to helping with your Candida treatment, pro-biotics can help many other conditions that may or may not be related to a Candida overgrowth.
While scientific proof is lacking, these beneficial bacteria may also improve skin health, and treat herpes infections.
The following types of bacteria have been shown to be beneficial as a treatment as well as for overall health.
They are listed in order of importance from most important to least important.
They are typically abbreviated rather than being spelled out. The L. is short for Lactobacillus and the B. is short for Bifidobacterium.
In order for the pro-biotics to have maximum effect, you need to follow a few guidelines.
You can also get pro-biotics by eating fermented foods. Many fermented foods contain massive quantities of bacteria. I try to have some fermented foods with every meal to keep healthy bacteria in my gut.
Whether you are taking them to cure a Candida overgrowth or simply for overall health, the important thing is that you take them.
They are vitally important to your health and numerous things that kill them off. Do yourself a favor and try some now.
They are discussed in depth on pages 62-64 in the book "Candida Albicans - The Hidden Disease".
Below I have a list of the brands that I have researched and like. Most of them have multiple strains of bacteria. I also list the dosage, costs, the contraindications and the references of the studies that show that pro-biotics can knock out your Candida overgrowth.
$10 to $60 per month, depending on form and brand
Symptoms of toxicity from taking probiotics are rare.
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